Concert Archive FAQ

Below are frequently asked questions about the purpose of the concert archive and how to sort, filter, and search it. To narrow down the list, enter a keyword in the filter box; e.g., if you have a question about how to sort the archive, enter the keyword sort in the filter box.

To show all the answers, click the "Show All Answers" button. To hide all the answers, click the "Hide All Answers" button.

The RUAWS has an extensive collection of paper records and electronic files from its performances. We wanted to digitize this information as well as make it available to everyone via our website. Along with a listing of all performances, we are including the programs, posters, photos, and videos that we have available.

This archive is a work in progress. As concert dates and locations are reviewed and confirmed, they are added to the list. Concert dates listed may not include all their details (e.g., conductors, posters, programs, etc.) Check back periodically for updates.

Although we have done our best to confirm all the information in our archive, errors are certainly possible and we appreciate the feedback. Please report errors to the Concert Archive Administrator.

This archive is a work in progress. We are still updating the details for each concert so an item may not actually be missing, but just not loaded into the archive yet. We have most programs, but many posters are currently missing. Videos of full performances are generally only available since December 2021 when Rutgers started live streams. If you believe you have information we are missing, please first check the Concert Archive Lost & Found page for the status of the item. If what you have is indeed marked as missing and there are no notes indicating we have it but just haven't added it to the archive yet, please contact the Concert Archive Administrator. Thank you!

  • The archive is presented as a list sorted by event date from oldest concert to newest (date ascending).
  • To view all the available details for a concert, click the "Details" button.
  • You can sort on a column, filter on a column(s), and search the archive using the search box.
  • For more help using the archive, check out additional FAQ below.

Users with low internet speeds and small screens like mobile phones may have difficulty loading the entire archive and scrolling through 120+ concerts on a small screen can be You can easily adjust how many records show by choosing from the list "Show X entries" list in the top left of the archive. The default is 10. You can choose 10, 25, 50, or All.

If you are looking for something in particular, use the Search, Filter, or Sort features to narrow the results.

When you load the archive, the concerts are sorted by date from oldest to newest; i.e., date ascending ( ). You can sort by any one attribute by clicking on the column header. For example, to sort on City, click "City" and it will sort the archive alphabetically ascending by the City as indicated by the sort up icon (). If you click the City heading again, it will sort descending ().

Only one column can be sorted at a time. The sorted column is shaded darker than the other columns.

To reset the sort order to the default, just click the "Reset All" button to reload the page or click the "Date" heading until it is sorted ascending ().

The archive is sorted by date from oldest to newest; i.e., date ascending (). To find a particular date, page through the list or search on the date using the search box at the top right of the archive. Format your date in the search the same way the date it is formatted in the Date column, yyyy-mm-dd. Just put the year, and all the concerts for that year will be listed.

The Search option offers a flexible way to find concerts in the archive. Enter a keyword(s) to filter the entire archive by that word(s). Searching is case insensitive and uses a string match across all data columns.

Only the rows that contain the keyword will be displayed. For example, if you enter the word music, all the rows that contain the string "music" will be listed. Concert titles containing the word "music", "musical", etc. as well as any concerts that were performed at Nicholas Music Center will be listed.

If multiple keywords are entered, rows containing both keywords will be listed (logical AND). For example, if you enter two words like american music, all rows that contain the strings "american" AND "music" will be listed. Concerts with the title "Music of American Composers" and "A Program of American Music" along with any title containing "american" performed in the Nicholas Music Center.

If you want to include both keywords as a single string, surround the keywords in double quotes; e.g., "american music" . Only rows containing the full string "american music" will be listed.

The search will match the string in all visible attributes plus the following hidden attributes:

  • RUAWS music directors,
  • guest conductors, and
  • guest performers.
These columns are hidden to keep the table narrow enough for small screens.

If you search on hidden data such as a RUAWS music director, the concerts with that person listed will be displayed; however, you will have to click on the "Details" button to see the person listed.

At the bottom of most columns, there is a pulldown select list which allows you to filter on a particular attribute. For example, to filter all events that took place in Mary E. Sheridan Park, select that from the filter at the bottom of the Venue column.

You can only choose one item for each filter; however, you can apply multiple filters. For example, you can choose one Status and one Venue such as "Past" concerts held at "Nicholas Music Center".

Please note, choosing one filter does not reduce the options of the other filters. For example, if you choose a Status of "Future", you can still select from all the available Venues in the archive even though there may be no future concerts at that venue. Therefore, if you filter on a venue, this may result in an empty list (i.e., "No matching records found").

You cannot filter by image, date, program, or video. The best way to filter by year is to enter the year in the Search box; e.g., 1984.

To reset a filter, select the blank option in the dropdown list or reload the archive page.

Concerts with unconfirmed start times or venues are marked with "Unknown". Once we can confirm the information, it will be updated.

Concerts like those canceled during the COVID-19 pandemic are listed for completeness; however, there were no venues so they are marked "NA".

If you have a question not covered in this FAQ list, please contact the Concert Archive Administrator .